"I'm passionate about writing, being creative, music, learning more about God and advocating for child sponsorship programs..."
Hello! I’m Eleana…
I’m from Michgan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula, I’m passionate about writing, being creative, music, learning more about God and advocating for child sponsorship programs.
Here you’ll find my personal blog, where I hope to write informative articles, personal stories and humorous articles.
You’ll also see my Etsy shop, child sponsorship opportunities such as through Compassion International and ChildFund, some awesome sermons, a whole lot of puns
and more!
I’m glad you decided to check out Eleana’s Journey…
Hope you enjoy!
-Eleana E
My Hope...
Through this website, I hope to share with you some awesome resources I’ve found, some of my stories, and trustworthy child sponsorship programs. I’ve really enjoyed these so far and I hope you will too.
my blog...
I started a blog in 2018 called Eleana’s Journey. I’ve since enjoyed writing articles, short skits and open letters.