These are some resources that have been very helpful to me listed in no particular order. I hope you will find them interesting and encouraging.
This is one of the first sermons I've ever seen by Ben Stuart. I love how you can tell by his preaching, he knows and loves the Word of God.
Here is Adam Agee's presentation on child sponsorship taken from a Newsboys United tour in Florida. The video quality is not the best, as it was taken from the audience. However, the message is so powerful, I'd encourage you to watch it all the way through.
This is another powerful message from Ben Stuart from Passion City Church D.C. about the power of God, even in the midst of trials.
Louie Giglio is a fantastic speaker. He does a phenomenal job of explaining the sovereignty of God and the smallness of man.
"Could it just be possible that He always wanted to slip away and be alone with God simply because He loved Him? Because He loved Him." -Paul Washer
Duncan Philips from the Newsboys talks with two people who were sponsored through ChildFund as children.
This is a video by Justin Peters, who in his teachings always emphasizes the importance and sufficiency of Scripture. In this video he talks about several heresies which are unfortunately common in the Church today, and how several churches in these movements were affected by Covid-19.
This is another message from Louie Giglio. Starting a new series called A Trip Around The Sun, he explains why nothing in this life is ordinary.
Here is an amazing video telling about the amazing impact of child sponsorship programs. This is an excellent presentation that really captures how child sponsorship can impact both the child and the sponsor.
Here is an amazing video telling about the amazing impact of child sponsorship programs. This is an excellent presentation that really captures how child sponsorship can impact both the child and the sponsor.